1 Unit 10: Finishing Well as a Team

## Overview

In this final unit, you will meet as a class to present your Team Project and learn from your peers.

1.1 Learning Outcomes

When you have completed this unit, you should be able to:

  • Complete an effective team project and manage the project development process in a timely manner.

  • Apply Transformational Servant Leadership through practical application and group work.

  • Demonstrate and evaluate your knowledge of conflict and negotiation theory and create new ways of working through conflict.

  • Evaluate individual as well as other’s response to various conflict situations.

  • Compare and critique various team structures and evaluate tools to create teams and teamwork.

  • Create and evaluate team structures designed to function within the class experience.

  • Analyse individual work experiences to evaluate their team performance.

  • Create new team structures and training tools to implement future teams.

## Activity Checklist

Here is a checklist of learning activities you will benefit from in completing this unit. You may find it useful for planning your work.

Activities Time
Activity 1.1: GATHERING: Class presentations. 3 hours
Assignment: Class Presentations on Team Model (10%) 3-5 hours
Assignment: Integrated Team Manual/Project (30%) 3-5 hours

Photo Credit: Pixabay

1.1.1 Learning Activities Activity 1.2: GATHERING: Class Presentations.

For the final class for LDRS 502, we will select a 3-hour time block that is convenient to the entire class near the end of week 10. During this 3-hour block of time, each group will be given 30 minutes to present their course team projects to the entire class.

The rules for the online presentations are listed below and the assessments section of this unit:

  1. Each team has to use ppt, pdf, press, or some format that will organize their presentation for the class. The presentation needs to be uploaded to MOODLE at least 1 hour before the presentation in order to ensure there are no glitches during the zoom conference call.

  2. Each member of the team must play an active role in the presentation. They need to take some measurable and observable role in the presentation itself so the professor can grade their involvement.

  3. The presentations must be fully reflective of the Team based project completed throughout the 10 week online course.

  4. Presenters should be dressed and equipped for a formal presentation in the virtual space. Presenters should model the presentation as if they are presenting to the board of directors of the company or organization that has a problem or is looking to engage an opportunity

  5. The presentation should cover both aspects of the team process as well as the outcome of the team engagement related to the problem or opportunity. The structure for this should be about 1/3 of the time devoted to the team processes: Team Charter, Roles and Responsibilities, Conflict resolution structure, etc. and 2/3 should revolve around the organizational problem or opportunity, what research was conducted and what conclusions or directions are supported by the team.

  6. An appeal for change needs to be made to the class at the conclusion of the project.

  7. Presentations must conclude at the 30-minute mark or they will be cut off. There will be no tolerance for using other people’s time for your presentation.

This 3-hour online session will be recorded for future reference.

1.2 Unit 10 Assessment

1.2.1 Assignment: Class Presentation (10%)

In the final week of classes, your group will present your Team Project, including aspects of the team process as well as the outcome of the team engagement related to the problem or opportunity.

About Presentations:

Presentations are visual representations of ideas, concepts, innovations, plans, or solutions. As such they need to be appealing to keep the interest of the audience. In order to produce good presentations, the following key factors should be considered:

  1. Presentations should not be read from a paper. Writing a technical report or paper is a different medium of communication than presenting orally. The goal of a presentation is to get a few key points across to an audience, not to overwhelm people with research and detail. Always assume people will read the technical paper if they are interested in doing so.

  2. Presentations must be visually appealing. Interspersing pictures, video, graphics, charts, tables all help to keep the listener engaged in the presentation.

  3. Presentations must be readable. When you choose a font size for a presentation, bigger is always better. Assume your grandma is looking at the presentation and her eyesight is not as good as it used to be. In addition, the key words you choose for a presentation should go at the top of the slides.

  4. Presentations must be succinct. Most people only have an attention span of a few seconds. Key points must be emphasized at least 3 times for the audience to get it. As a result, there are very few points that you can reasonably cover in a presentation.

  5. Presentations must compel through story. You must find ways to tell a compelling story through your presentation. People need to emotionally connect to the issue, problem, solution or opportunity that you are presenting. In order to do this, you need to present a strong and compelling (single idea) story to the audience.

  6. Every presenter can improve. If you are unsure about a presentation format or style, research online presentations and gauge how they made you feel and how compelling they were. Learn from what worked in other presentations in order to improve your ability to present meaningfully. Finally, practice, practice, practice. You should go through your online presentation one or two times before going live to test everything out, to make sure all the transitions between presenters are smooth.

The rules for the online presentations for 502OL are as follows:

  1. Each team has to use ppt, pdf, Prezi, or some format that will organize their presentation for the class. The presentation needs to be uploaded to MOODLE at least 1 hour before the presentation in order to ensure there are no glitches during the zoom conference call.

  2. Each member of the team must play an active role in the presentation. They need to take some measurable and observable role in the presentation itself so the professor can grade their involvement.

  3. The presentations must be fully reflective of the team-based project completed throughout the 10 week online course.

  4. Presenters should be dressed and equipped for a formal presentation in the virtual space. Presenters should model the presentation as if they are presenting to the board of directors of the company or organization that has a problem or is looking to engage an opportunity.

  5. The presentation should cover both aspects of the team process as well as the outcome of the team engagement related to the problem or opportunity. The structure for this should be about 1/3 of the time devoted to the team processes: Team Charter, Roles and Responsibilities, Conflict resolution structure, etc., and 2/3 should revolve around the organizational problem or opportunity, what research was conducted and what conclusions or directions are supported by the team.

  6. An appeal for change needs to be made to the class at the conclusion of the project.

  7. Presentations must conclude at the 30 minute mark or they will be cut off. There will be no tolerance for using other people’s time for your presentation.

1.2.2 Assignment: Team Project (30%)

Date Due: Within 1 week of the final course presentation

The final team project is the capstone assignment for LDRS 502. In order to receive a high grade for the capstone project, you must provide an excellent, research-based summary of the following two main processed and outcomes:

  1. The Team–you need to describe the topic, mission vision, values, charter, and conflict management process for the team. AND

  2. The recommended solution, list of solutions, or recommendations related to the problem or opportunity as a result of your team process throughout this course.

In order to complete this assignment effectively, you should have the following key sections written in your paper:

  1. APA style title page to the team report.

  2. Executive summary of the team processes and recommendations of the team (1-2 pages with no references…just descriptions).

  3. Sections describing the team processes, descriptions of each team member (maybe even pictures), their role in the team outcome, their accompanying Birkman score and the fit between their Birkman and their role (this section should be an edited or revised version of the Team Charter submission as per the instructor’s comments).

  4. Sections describing the Mission Vision Values of the Team, Mandate presented to the team (or chosen by the team), schedule of meetings and outcomes for the team process (this section should be an edited or revised version of the Team Charter submission as per the instructor’s comments).

  5. A section describing the Team Conflict Management system and some commentary on how effectively conflict was actually managed by the team throughout the process (this section should be an edited or revised version of the Team Conflict Management submission as per the instructor’s comments).

  6. Sections describing the outcome of the team process, what solution, innovation, and recommendations the team is making with support for the recommendation. This section should include research on the issue that was tackled by the team, background knowledge used to arrive at a recommendation, other options that were considered and dismissed by the team, a rationale for the recommendation made by the team, and an outcome of the team process.

  7. A summary and conclusion section.

  8. References.

  9. Tables and Figures as necessary to support the final team project.

  10. Appendices, Endnotes, or any additional material as necessary.

In addition to the sections listed above, please pay attention to the following:

  1. APA Style should be used for references, citations, page numbers, headers, footers, Appendices, tables and figures. There will be grace on the use of APA style for headings and subheadings as this is a report and not an academic research paper.

  2. You should use the course material to support both the team processes you develop and the recommended solution. The Levi and Lencioni texts as well as lectures and class discussions should be a key part of the references you integrate into the final paper. Please ensure that the course textbooks, lectures and class discussions are properly referenced in APA style.

1.3 Checking your Learning

Before you move on to the next unit, you may want to check to make sure that you are able to:

  • Complete an effective team project and manage the project development process in a timely manner.

  • Apply Transformational Servant Leadership through practical application and group work.

  • Demonstrate and evaluate your knowledge of conflict and negotiation theory and create new ways of working through conflict.

  • Evaluate individual as well as other’s response to various conflict situations.

  • Compare and critique various team structures and evaluate tools to create teams and teamwork.

  • Create and evaluate team structures designed to function within the class experience.

  • Analyse individual work experiences to evaluate their team performance.

  • Create new team structures and training tools to implement future teams.