Assignment 1: Reflective Journal
Part 1: Reflective Journal
After completing Units 1-3, including the learning activities, you are asked to share your learning journal as a ‘work-in-progress’ demonstrating the knowledge and skills you have gained thus far in the course. This assignment is based on the learning activities in Units 1-3 and is designed to demonstrate your understanding of the course learning outcomes (#1-4).
- First, examine the learning outcomes for each unit and ensure that your journal addresses each outcome. Include your thoughts from the learning activities and be sure to apply concepts to your experiences, evaluating your use of the digital skills presented. We are especially looking for your personal reflection on your learning process.
- Note that this is a chance to present your understanding and application of the course material, ask questions, clarify issues, and connect with your instructor(s). We are looking for evidence that you are engaging the course material and practicing the digital skills introduced.
- To help you make connections and develop your critical thinking skills, you are asked to include a mind map of the three units. Mind maps are useful tools not only to organize your notes, but will help you process your learning in this course. You are encouraged to use Obsidian to complete this mind map, but you are free to use a tool of your choice (including paper and pencil!). Be sure to submit the visitors and residents map from Unit 1.
- You will submit your journal, including your mind map as part of Assignment 1. You may also use your journal to meet the requirements of assignments 2 and 3, as each assignment builds on the skills learned in each unit.
How to share your Obsidian journal
- To submit your Obsidian vault, right click on your vault folder in your local file explorer and click Compress (on macOS) or Send To > Compressed (zipped) Folder (on Windows).
- Once you have your zipped file, you can upload it to the Assignment 1 dropbox on Moodle.
Part 2: Assessment Conversation
In addition to submitting your journal, you will meet with your instructor for an assessment conversation to explain your learning process and demonstrate your understanding of the course learning outcomes.
Please book your Assessment Conversations with your instructor through the Microsoft Bookings app.
How to Prepare for Your Assessment Conversation
- Review the course learning outcomes (#1-4) and take notes on how you would explain your understanding of them. This is an opportunity for self-reflection and assessment.
- Review your journal entries: these should demonstrate how you have met the targeted course learning outcomes.
- Review your mind map and your visitor and resident diagram and be able to show connections between concepts, apply concepts to your experiences or current events, and demonstrate personal reflection and critical thinking.
Before the Assessment Conversation
- Be sure to test your video and audio in Teams before our conversation to be sure everything is working correctly.
- Practice how to share your screen in Teams, as well as sharing links in the chat. (See Present content in Microsoft Teams meetings in MS Office 365 Support.)
During the Assessment Conversation
- After a brief introduction, you will be asked a series of questions designed to measure your understanding of the course learning outcomes.
- During the conversation, make sure you clearly explain how your journal demonstrates your knowledge and skills in relation to the course outcomes.
- Your instructor will provide you with feedback to help you assess whether or not you have met the proficiency criteria. They will also give suggestions for improvement and encouragement.
- Take notes of the feedback and reflect on how you can continue to grow in each of the learning outcome areas.
Assignment Feedback
Refer to the Moodle sections on Assignment Feedback & Competency-Based Assessment to review how your work will be assessed.
Use your Competency Development Tracker as a guide to evaluate your own work before and during your Assessment Conversation.
Grading Rubric
Your instructor will use the following grading rubric to assess your understanding and application of the digital skills learned in this course. You are encouraged to self-assess your work and practice evaluative judgement.
Course Learning Outcomes | Proficiency Criteria (This means I can…) |
LO1: Build and customize technology-integrated workflows to enhance and enrich your learning journey. |
LO2: Apply digital literacy skills to evaluate the legitimacy, credibility and reliability of online resources for academic study. |
LO3: Practice evaluative judgment to document your process of learning in complex domains of knowledge. |
LO4: Create a personalized narrative to document and express your learning process. |