3  Connecting Ideas for Learning


Welcome to our third unit in Learning with Technology, where we explore the symbiotic relationship between technology and knowledge synthesis. In this unit we will unravel the intricacies of sense-making through hyperlinks and tags, discovering their pivotal roles in creating a cohesive web of information. You will delve into the transformative realm of digital note taking, learning how to capture, organize, and review key ideas efficiently. As we progress we will unlock the potential of visual representations through concept maps, using digital tools to illustrate complex relationships and hierarchies that foster a deeper understanding of interconnected ideas. Moreover, we’ll venture into a curated selection of digital tools designed to support and augment the learning process, evaluating their benefits in catering to diverse learning styles and preferences. By the conclusion of this unit you will not only have mastered the art of connecting ideas through hyperlinks, tags, note taking, and concept maps, but you will also be equipped with a toolkit of digital resources to enrich your learning journey.


This unit is divided into the following topics:

  1. Sense-making Through Hyperlinks
  2. Sense-making Through Tags
  3. Note Taking
  4. Concept Maps
  5. Digital Tools to Support Learning

Unit Learning Outcomes

When you have completed this unit you will be able to:

  • Use hyperlinks and tags to create meaningful connections between ideas and enhance knowledge synthesis.
  • Apply digital note-taking strategies to capture, organize, and review key concepts effectively.
  • Create concept maps to visually represent complex relationships and deepen understanding of interconnected ideas.
  • Evaluate digital tools for their effectiveness in supporting diverse learning styles and knowledge organization.
  • Develop a structured workflow that integrates linking, tagging, note-taking, and visualization techniques to enhance learning.

Learning Activities

Here is a list of learning activities that will benefit you in completing this unit. You may find it useful for planning your work.

  • Practice using links and tags to connect your ideas in Obsidian
  • Write a reflective post on your learning experiences
  • Practice various note taking skills
  • Create a mind map to connect and engage with ideas in Units 1-3

Note:Working through unit learning activities will help you to meet the course learning outcomes and successfully complete your assessments.


See the Assessment section in Moodle for assignment details.


  • All resources will be provided online in the unit.

3.2 Sense-making Through Tags

A tag is a very short, descriptive word or phrase you can apply to an idea. You are likely familiar with the idea of a hashtag (#``) from various social media apps as a way to quickly find information on a specific topic. A tag in Obsidian works just like a hashtag in social media. If you type #trees on a file about trees, and then do the same on your pages about xylem, phloem, climate change, plants, forests, deciduous, and coniferous, you could click that tag on any one of those pages, and Obsidian will find every page that contains that tag.

This acts like a super-fast search of your notes for a particular topic or ideas related to a topic.

We recommend that you put your tags in the same spot on each page so you know where to find them. You can also put those tags at any place in your notes and Obsidian will show you the specific spot in your notes where the tag lives.

You can also show tags in your graph view, as below. Green dots are tags and white dots are files (as before). You can see in this image that there are many more connections.

You can click any of the tags in Obsidian to see highlighted connections and search results for that tag, allowing you to go directly to notes of interest.

Using links and tags together you can build a very powerful and easily searchable vault of all the ideas in your courses. This can be incredibly valuable when it is time to write a paper or prepare for an exam—you can have all your notes easily accessible rather than having to search through pages and pages of handwritten notes.

3.3 Sense-making Through Concept Maps

As you saw at the beginning of this unit, sense-making is the work of learning. There is no way around the work of learning because learning is work. It takes time and cognitive effort. As much as we wish to be able to “learn” like Neo in The Matrix, we can’t (see a favourite scene in a movie, below; and it’s not just because Keanu Reeves is the GOAT 🐐).

Tags and links in Obsidian can be visualized using graph view, but as this is an algorithmically generated map of the connections between ideas and files in your vault, there is little you can do to customize it. Fortunately, Obsidian also features a tool called the Canvas, which is a blank space that you can use to manually connect ideas in a visual format, allowing you to see connections and relationships that make sense to you. The following video is a brief explanation of how to use the Canvas in Obsidian.

3.3.1 Activity: Obsidian Concept Map

Estimated Time: 30 minutes
  • Watch Mind Mapping in Obsidian Canvas (2023, January 7). As you watch, follow the directions and to create a concept map in Obsidian. At the end of this unit, you will create a concept map for Units 1-3. Practice using notes, media, cards, and grouping features in a mind map.

3.4 Reading and Note Taking

Next, let’s focus on reading and note taking. In this section, you will demonstrate your note taking skills based on reading an academic publication. You will also have the opportunity to practice using the Markdown markup language. Semantic markup is an important digital skill that separates formatting (e.g., headings, bold, italics, lists) from content, using designated characters without the use of rich text editors. This provides the capability to use plain text files that can be converted to formatted text online. Markdown is one of many such markup protocols and is used here to demonstrate the principles of semantic markup.

3.4.1 Activity: Reading and Note Taking

Estimated Time: 30 minutes

3.4.2 Activity: Writing a Summary of Your Readings

Estimated Time: 30 minutes

In this activity you will read an academic article and write a summary using Obsidian and Zotero.

  • First, search for a peer reviewed journal article in support of a research topic of interest.
    • Remember to add the source to your citation management tool, Zotero.
  • Next, prepare a summary of the journal article based on this example.
    • Use the Markdown formatting in Obsidian. Your summary must at a minimum demonstrate the following text formats:
      • headings and subheadings
      • bold and italics
      • numbered or unordered list
      • labelled link
      • horizontal rule
      • block quote for one or more citations from the article
    • Copy your summary prepared in Obsidian and paste this text summary into Zotero using the notes feature so that you have a copy for your personal library as backup.

Reflect on your progress in practicing these digital skills. Share your thoughts in your journal and/or in Discourse.

3.5 Digital Tools To Support Learning

So far in this course you have had opportunities to explore a number of learning tools, including Obsidian, Zotero, and LitMaps.

We anticipate these tools will help you think critically, collaborate, and ultimately succeed in your studies.

There is a plethora of other learning tools out there. We encourage you to explore various apps and evaluate them based on criteria you value (effectiveness, privacy, cost, data ownership, accessibility, and so on).

Note that in the next unit, we will have a more in-depth discussion on how to evaluate digital tools.

3.5.1 Activity: Tools for Learning in University

Estimated Time: 60 minutes
  • Search for the following apps or websites using the key words listed below. Try adding “top,” “best,” “free,” “university,” or “students” and see how that changes your search results.
    • note taking apps
    • annotate web resources
    • collaborative tools
    • project management tools
    • graphic organizers
    • study tools
    • focus tools
    • research tools
    • writing tools
  • In Discourse, share some tools that you’ve used or that you plan to use to help in your studies.

3.5.2 Activity: Mapping Out Your Learning

Estimated Time: 90 minutes

As a final reflective activity, take some time to map out the concepts in Units 1-3. Use the mind mapping tool in Obsidian, including the features of grouping to make connections between concepts.

Here are a couple of resources to guide you as you create your mind map

Note: This is a key activity you will use in Assignments 1 and 3 to demonstrate your understanding of the course learning outcomes.


As we conclude our unit, reflect on your learning. Throughout this unit, you’ve acquired a multifaceted skill set that empowers you to harness the potential of technology in synthesizing and organizing knowledge. From understanding the intricate dance of hyperlinks and tags, to mastering the art of digital note taking, you’ve explored tools and strategies that redefine how we connect ideas in the digital age.

Concept maps have become your canvas, allowing you to visually articulate complex relationships and hierarchies with precision and clarity. The curated digital tools we’ve explored are now at your disposal, enhancing your learning experience and catering to your unique preferences. Remember, this unit isn’t just about understanding concepts; it’s about applying these newfound skills in real world scenarios.

As you move forward, carry this digital toolkit with you, leveraging technology as a powerful ally in your ongoing pursuit of knowledge. Your ability to connect ideas seamlessly through hyperlinks, tags, note taking, and concept maps positions you as a dynamic learner in an ever evolving educational landscape. The skills you’ve honed here are not just for this course but are lifelong assets that will continue to enrich your learning journey.

Note: Your Obsidian vault includes a template to help you track your progress in each unit. Use it to self-assess your understanding of the unit learning outcomes and ensure you’re on track to achieve your learning goals.

Checking Your Learning

Before you move on to the next unit check that you are able to:

  • Build and customize technology integrated workflows to enhance and enrich your learning journey
  • Practice evaluative judgment to document your process of learning in complex domains of knowledge
  • Evaluate digital tools, platforms, and interactions based on ethical principles


clipsblu. (2019, February 8, 2019, February 8). The matrix - I know "Kung Fu". YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YhJxJZOWBw
Getting Started with Obsidian Canvas. (2024). Obsidian Rocks. https://obsidian.rocks/getting-started-with-canvas-in-obsidian/
Help, O. (n.d.). Basic formatting syntax. Retrieved August 25, 2024, from https://help.obsidian.md/Editing+and+formatting/Basic+formatting+syntax
New South Wales Sydney, U. of. (2024). Reading for understanding: The SQW3R method. Students: UNSW. https:/www.student.unsw.edu.au/reading-understanding
ToSDR. (n.d.). Terms of service; didn’t read. https://tosdr.org/
York, U. of. (2024, October 25). Mind mapping. Note-taking: a Practical Guide. https://subjectguides.york.ac.uk/note-taking/mind-map
Zhao, V. (2023, January 7, 2023, January 7). Mind mapping in Obsidian canvas. YouTube. https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/eHI-Szjpafk